Receiving our guests in person is absolutely what we prefer! However, if there is no possibility to receive you in person, we will organize a self check-in.
Once you arrive in Cefalù, via delle begonie No. 2, write a Whatsapp message to +39 3883432384 to ask for the pedestrian gate to be opened remotely. If you do not receive any answer within 2 minutes, call the same number to let us know that you are in front of the residence entrance. You will be in quickly!
You can temporarily stop your car in front of the gate to unload your luggage and take it home. Then park the car near the residence.
The house is number 2 and to reach it, once you have entered the residence, go right and down all the stairs, turn the corner to the left and, after a few meters, you will find on the left a wooden gate with a number 2 in ceramic.
On the terrace, to the left of the entrance door you will see a small safety box. Open the black window, moving it downwards and move the numbers on the combination that will be provided to you in advance. Then, push the small black lever down and the box will open.
The bundle includes, in addition to the main entrance key, those for entrances to the residence, both the gate on via delle begonie and the gate on the main road, SS113. There is also the key to the electrical switchboard cabinet, which is located on the right of the main entrance of the residence (via delle begonie, 2)